The Tobacco Festival will be on October 25, 2025.
About the Tobacco Festival

The Lee County Tobacco Festival was established in 1949 to celebrate the harvest of the area's tobacco crop. It is the longest running tobacco festival in the state of Virginia. It is also Lee County’s oldest annual parade. This year we will celebrate the 76th year of the festival. Throughout the years the festival was hosted by various community organizations, but beginning in 2012 a tax exempt 501 non-profit organization was formed. Friends of the Tobacco Festival was founded to preserve the festival’s heritage and ensure it's future continuance. The festival always planned for the 4th Saturday in October.

Schedule of Events
Friday, October 25:
​• 8:00 PM-Dressed to Kill: The Ultimate Kiss Tribute-FREE
Saturday, October 26:
​• 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Pancake Breakfast at Pennington Methodist Church
• 8:30 AM: Lee County Heritage 1-Mile Fun Run
• 9:00 AM: Lee County Heritage 5K Run (Registration available on-site, starting behind Pennington Middle School)
• 9:00 AM: Crafters Alley Opens (Main Street)
• 9:00 AM: Food Vendors Downtown
• 10:00 AM: Butch Williams on Stage
• 10:30 AM: Zach Wiles & Jacob Sturgill on Stage
• 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Car Show at Cumberland Auto
• 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Tractor Show Downtown
• 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Kids Zone featuring a FREE Bounce House and Bull Riding (Location: Downtown)
• 12:00 PM: Pepper & Marshmallow Eating Contest in front of the stage
• 12:30 PM: Britney Mullins on Stage
• 1:00 PM: Mississippi East on Stage
• 3:00 PM: Parade (Starts at Middle School, Ends at Lee Bank)
• 7:00 PM: Lee Haw Comedy Show at Lee Theatre
Tobacco Festival Forms
Please see the attached files below. To view a file, click on the buttons. If you have any questions about the forms please contact us at leecountytobaccofestival@gmail.com or call (276) 346-7836.

Scenes from the 2023 Festival

The Lee County Tobacco Festival takes place in downtown Pennington Gap. During the festival, Morgan Ave. East/West Alternate 58-421, South Kentucky Street, and Main Street are closed.
The parade starts at Pennington Middle School and ends at Lee Bank. Parade participants meet in the Pennington Middle School parking lot before the parade. The parade begins at 3:00 p.m.. Floats wanting to be judged must be in line by 2:00.
Crafter's Alley is down Main Street, and artists can show off their homemade crafts and art. Food vendors and a stage are set up in the Pennington Pharmacy parking lot, and bounce houses are located behind the Verizon building.